Built by Educators, Trusted by Teachers, Loved by Students

Accelerate Reading Growth with Personalized Career Exploration

Engaging, Realistic Fiction Stories Aligned With Each Learner’s Career Pathway

  • Learners explore a menu of pre-built career pathways. They can choose an existing pathway or create their own! Learners tell Compass what interests them most about their selected pathway so Compass can customize the pathway for the learner.

  • The learner explores career pathway-aligned texts and answers comprehension and inference questions. The assessment results let Compass know the learner's baseline reading grade level.

  • Compass provides learners with texts and problem-based realistic challenges aligned with their career pathway. Compass tracks the learner's reading growth and progressively makes texts more rigorous as the learner grows.

  • Learners can see their growth over time. Teachers and Administrators can spot struggling learners and see high-level trends.

AI Built by Educators to Fuel Reading Growth and Career Exploration

Compass optimizes for student learning and empowerment.

With guardrails designed by educators, Compass serves as a safe haven for students to use the power of AI responsibly in the classroom.

Compass is a personalized learning experience to fuel reading growth and career exploration, unlocking each student’s full potential.

Assess and improve student reading levels for acadmeic success.

Give Your Students the Ability to Explore Their Unique Interests and Dreams with Personalized Learning

  • Personalized Learning

    Compass meets your students at their current reading levels and leads them through career pathway-aligned exercises to grow their reading ability and ignite intrinsic motivation.

  • Career Pathway Exploration

    Learners create their own career pathways or choose from an existing menu. Compass connects the classroom and the real world.

  • Maximizing Reading Growth

    All texts generated are in the learner's "goldilocks" zone of proximal development to ensure reading growth for each individual.

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